
6 Human Needs Test Interpretation

Based on your test results find the top two needs, read the description and find your characteristics and the way you can improve yourself.

Your beliefs

You need to feel secure, safe and comfortable. You need to make sure that you will be secure, safe and comfortable in the future.

Avoiding pain is very important to you. You can’t be happy if you don’t feel certain about things.

You avoid taking risks and you are very careful to plan ahead. You are careful and take good care of yourself.

You are a very organized individual. People may think you are predictable.

Character and the way you behave

You focus on stability, you have routines and you tend to prepare and save for the future. You prefer to work in a place that can give you stability and be doing something that is easy for you, instead of having challenges and being in the position of learning new things continuously.

You put your energy into organizing a secure and comfortable environment. You are focused inwardly on evaluating your level of comfort-discomfort.

You usually take care of yourself, but sometimes you let yourself be lead by satisfying your need for being comfortable which leads you to overeat or drink.

You tend to avoid new people and new experiences. You avoid relationships where there is not a full commitment.

You avoid threats and hazards.

You fear not being in control.

You get stress where you are required to do something new or something that you don’t how to do, or when you are not sure what is going to happen.

Change in plans, even if they are new opportunities, stress you out. You put more pressure on yourself to make sure you don’t feel insecure.

You get defensive when you are required to change habits or to deal with a new situation where you don’t feel in control.

You tend to get angry when people challenge your need to feel comfortable and to tell you to be more predictable.

You worry about the future.

You are very sensitive to danger and experience fear easily.

Sometimes you envy people that have more money or a larger income that I do.

Some of your strengths are:

  •  You are organized, reliable and dependable.
  • You can create a home and work environment that is pleasing and where people can feel comfortable

Your communication style is:

You often talk about your internal states, emphasizing whether you feel grounded, protected or safe.

The words or similar words that you frequently use are: comfort, security, stability, and predictability.

Things to keep in mind

The future is unpredictable, and all you have is the present moment. So, try to not forget about it, try not to spend your life planning for your future while are missing out on the present. Sometimes people might think you are a little bit controlling due to your excessive planning. Or might seem that you are unenthusiastic or boring. Try to let yourself be spontaneous sometimes, you’ll find that you could enjoy some uncertainty.

Sometimes you have to take risks so that you can have some gain. Loving and letting yourself love another person might seem like a taking a huge risk to you but it might be worth it. Don’t limit your experiences for the fear of pain.

Even if you don’t know what is going to happen in the future, it doesn’t mean you cannot be happy in the present. If you lose sight of this, you may be limiting your experiences and might not be living your life to your fullest potential.  

Tips to have balance in your life and growth

You should make a goal of life to live in the present, to allow yourself to experience the moment without focusing on what will happen next and what the future might hold.

You need to take more risks to be able to reap some benefits.

You need to accept that uncertainty and insecurity are a part of life.

You need to stretch yourself by learning new things and having new experiences. Instead of letting the fear and anxiety run your life, you need to learn to experience excitement and joy.

When you start enjoying the challenges that life brings to you, you need to develop courage and be able to act even when you feel insecure.

If you let your need to feel comfortable and plan for the future run your life you are allowing it to interfere with your goal and to accomplish much more things. This need for certainty can lead you to be protective and controlling, and if you let yourself require too much certainty you can be very pessimistic about the future.

Allow others to support you, allow them to introduce you to new experiences and by letting you be more spontaneous and fun. If you let them be a part of your life and you get to experience new things you’ll get to reduce your doubts and fears and view life and experiences in a more realistic way.

Your beliefs

You believe that happiness comes from having many different experiences and challenges that exercise your emotional, intellectual or physical range. Your emotional well-being requires uncertainty, suspense, and surprise. You need the excitement that comes from variety.

Character and the way you behave

You focus on seeking excitement and change. Your focus is on what is new and interesting or challenging. While you are involved in an adventure, you are already planning the next one. You like suspense and exertion.

You are energetic and need to focus your energy on several projects. You are focused outwardly on what there is to do next. Whether you are the spectator or an active participant, you constantly seek stimulation and entertainment.

You like to feel excited, thrilled, exuberant, joyful, and adventurous. You do everything possible to avoid boredom.

Your ability to experience a broad range of emotions makes it easy for you to feel empathy towards others. You know you can experience what they are experiencing.

You prefer to stay fit in order to be involved in all activities that interest you.

You have many interests. People usually see you as entertaining, dynamic, interesting and fun to be with. You can always find new things to do and new adventures. You have many friends from different backgrounds. You interact well with people of all ages and all walks of life. You are trusting and think the best of people. You’re not easily bored because you can always find something interesting to do. You are fun, loving and carefree. You are usually upbeat and you like to enjoy life to the fullest.

You avoid a life of habits and routines. You don’t like to be involved in relationships that restrict you from new challenges and new experiences. You avoid boredom.

You can be easily distracted and diverted.

Sometimes you focus too much on yourself and what you want.

Some of your strengths are:

  • You are enthusiastic, independent and fun to be with.
  • You like to live so that there is never a dull moment.
  • You see the glass half full.
  • You are a leader and you can be the life of the party.
  • You are not afraid of taking risks.
  • You are playful and optimistic.

Your communication style is:

  • You like to talk about different projects and adventures.
  • You can be so enthusiastic on your conversation that you forget to listen to the other person or to ask their opinion.
  • Sometimes you become restless and need to stand up and walk around during a conversation.

Words that you frequently use are: fear, instability, change, chaos, entertainment, suspense, exertion, surprise, conflict, and crisis

Things you can improve on: 

Studying, memorizing and sitting still can be difficult for you and may result in challenges in your career. You can become unfocused.

You are stressed when you don’t have the time or the means to become involved in new challenges and adventures.

Follow a routine or doing the same thing daily can stress you.

If you get sick or somehow your physical condition gets in the way of participating in activities you like you get upset.

Restrictions and things that attempt against your freedom are very stressful to you.

You get defensive when someone attempts to impose routines or schedules or restrict your social life. You can get angry when people criticize your desire for adventure and entertainment.

Things to keep in mind

In order to have balance in life, there are times when you have to be more responsible and prioritize the stability in relationships. If you overlook this, people might feel that you are not really committed or that they can’t count on you, that you are unreliable or that you don’t care enough for your loved ones.

There are things that might seem not very interesting to you at the beginning but that can bring you some benefits later, so you have to focus on those things too. When you avoid or neglect to do this kind of stuff can drive you to jeopardize your safety and comfort, or might as well get yourself in dangerous or difficult situations physically, emotionally or financially.

When you focus too much on your need for variety may lead you to be careless about things that you know are important for you and your loved ones.

Tips to have balance in your life and growth

To achieve a balance in life and have a better experience in your overall life it might be good for you to try to find a way to have roots, stability and permanent relationships that allow you to still enjoy times of excitement and adventure. This way you can have your needs met but can also have joyful and successful relationships.

You shouldn’t forget that taking good care of yourself and your loved ones is a very important thing to maintain a quality of life. You need to be a better judge of character. You need to create a stable, harmonious environment for me and to develop long-lasting relationships.

You need to live more in the present than in the future. Try to enjoy more your current adventure, instead of thinking ahead.

I need to focus on activities that are not particularly exciting but that lead to important accomplishments in the future.

Even though you know there is an infinite number of new, exciting experiences that are open to you. You need to focus on the present and try not to feel overwhelmed by choosing one of them. You are not going to run out of time and should focus on really savor the experience.

Others can support you to achieve balance by encouraging you and praising you when I stick to a task that is not particularly exciting. Try to find a mechanism of recompense when you have realized that you are taking care of yourself and providing stability for yourself and your loved ones.


Your beliefs

You believe that happiness comes from feeling respected and important. You need to be considered unique and special. You need for people to look up to you and even fear you to a certain extent.

Character and the way you behave

You work hard at being different, special, and unique. You strive to be a leader. You do whatever is necessary for people to look up to you, respect you and admire you. You never want to be a follower.

You focus on what to do to appear special, different and important. You will do almost anything to preserve your uniqueness. You focus on playing the part of someone very special.

You need to feel proud of you. You have high standards and you live by them. You evaluate yourself as compared to others.

You need to be heard, and sometimes that means that people need to obey you.

You are constantly asking yourself whether people respect you and admire you. You are watchful to correct any signs of lack of respect.

You need to feel that you make a difference in any situation. You are disciplined, competitive, and you can be a perfectionist.

If you are focused on your appearance and physical performance as a way to feel significant, you will do whatever it takes to stay healthy, fit and strong.

Some of your strengths are:

  • You work hard and strive to deserve the respect and admiration you crave.
  • You are willing to take responsibility to the point of self-sacrifice.
  • You are relentless in accomplishing my goals.
  • You are a leader.
  • You stand up for what you believe in.
  • You are not afraid of risk or confrontation.

Your communication style is:

You often talk about your accomplishments, your sacrifices, your intelligence, your strengths and your attractiveness.

You can be seen as overriding others’ view.

Some of the words that you frequently use are: pride, importance, standards, achievement, performance, perfection, evaluation, discipline, competition and rejection.

Things you can improve on: 

You are stressed when you feel that I’m not living up to my standards. Not being respected and heard stresses you out, as well as feeling that you are not a leader. You feel pressure to achieve prestige, power, and status.

You’re stressed from doing too much and from not being in touch with your values.

You get defensive at the slightest criticism and when people tell you what to do. Anything that implies that you’re a follower, instead of a leader, puts you on the defensive.

You experience despair, anger, and rage when you’re not living up to your standards and not accomplishing my goals. You can get angry when people disagree with your values, beliefs, and leadership. You can be impatient and irritable.

Things to keep in mind

You should be careful to not overdo yourself on the physical area to maintain your physical appearance and performance, you might get injured.

Sometimes love is more important than respect. It’s difficult to love someone who has to feel important all the time. Humility is an important virtue. Being admired by many but loved by few may not be conducive to happiness.

People sometimes dislike you because they see you as arrogant and full of yourself. You have to constantly work at being respected and admired. You have trouble letting love flow when you don’t feel important. People sometimes think that you consider yourself superior to everyone. You can come across as cold and uncaring.

You often find it difficult to have fun. You can be seen as close-minded.

You have trouble relating to others because you focus on differences rather than commonalities. You’re overly concerned with hierarchical pecking orders.

Tips to have balance in your life and growth

Your goal is to be loved for who you are, not because of your accomplishments or because of the respect and admiration of others. You need to learn to value love and connection more than respect and admiration.

You need to learn to be humble and practice patience. You need to notice when your standards are too high.

You need to self-sacrifice less and love yourself more.

You need to get involved in experiences where you won’t get any admiration or special respect. You need to work less and love yourself more. You need to indulge in pleasurable experiences just for the sake of pleasure. You need to relax. You need to pay attention to feelings and relationships.

If you concentrate on your need to feel special, important and a leader you may find more difficult to find balance. Also, you have to pay attention to the high standards you hold yourself to, and your willingness to sacrifice.

Your beliefs

Your Beliefs In order to feel worthy I need to love and be loved. You need to have meaningful connections with people. If you aren’t loved or you can’t give your love, you feel worthless.

Character and the way you behave

You are kind and generous to those you love and you can be fiercely protective of them. You are nurturing and responsible.

Your focus is on the relationships with those you love and on how to satisfy their needs. You have great empathy for the feelings and emotions of others. You expect to be loved in return.

Your focus is on understanding others and meeting their needs. You like to feel that you can help and you are proud of being able to do so.

You need people’s approval and acceptance. You have high energy when it comes to giving.

You crave romantic love.

Sometimes people experience you as emotionally intense.

You worry a great deal about others.

You can easily attribute blame to yourself and/or to others. You sometimes experience resentment and have angry outbursts when you don’t feel appreciated or you’re treated inconsiderately.

When you’re away from those you love, you feel great pain in missing them. You often feel possessive about those you love.

You feel deeply and you’re idealistic. You long for what is missing in your life. You can be very emotional and sink into depression.

Some of your strengths are:

  • You’re generous, sensitive, supportive and helpful.
  • You relate well to people of all ages and all walks of life.
  • You’re a good companion and listener.
  • You give good advice.
  • You give freely of your time, energy and material possessions.
  • You empathize with suffering. You have emotional depth.

Your communication style is:

You are focused on others and you’re friendly and open. You express yourself well and you’re quick to give advice.

You’re supportive.

Words that you frequently use are: togetherness, passion, unity, warmth, tenderness, and desire.

Things you can improve on: 

You may be so focused on taking care of others that you neglect your own health.

You will do almost anything to avoid feeling dispensable. You avoid disappointing others and feeling unappreciated.

It’s hard for you to tolerate rejection.

You get stressed out when you’re not appreciated for all you give and when you’re not loved in return.

You also get stressed out when sometimes people perceive you as intrusive or controlling. Feeling needed by so many people is stressful and your confusion about your own needs doesn’t help.

You invest too much in challenging relationships. You sometimes envy what others have and what is not emotionally available to you.

You get defensive when people tell you how to live, especially when they insist you should give less to others.

You can get angry if you feel controlled and if people attribute bad intentions to you. You can get enraged when people are cruel. You can also become defensive when you feel misunderstood.

Things to keep in mind

You must love yourself first. You are not indispensable to others. To be loved is not equal to being needed.

If you tend to think of others first, you will start to repress your own needs. And this can lead you to become intrusive.

You need to learn to stay in touch with your own needs and being able to say “no.”

Because by giving to others you expect to be loved, you can get disappointed.

You are often not aware of your own needs. you can be intrusive without realizing it.

Tips to have balance in your life and growth

In order to achieve balance in your life, you need to take care of yourself better and to be more aware of your own needs.

You need to feel that you can be loved for who you are, not for what you give.

It would help you a lot if you start practicing setting limits on what you give. You need to develop clarity about your own needs and how to satisfy them.

You need to be sensitive to when you can be seen as intrusive or controlling.

You need to honor your feelings and your idealism.

Sometimes, your need to help and to give to those you love could interfere with your balance. And paying attention to your own needs might make you feel guilty or afraid of being selfish. You need to remember that it is essential to tend to your needs so that you can achieve balance and you are able to give to others in quality.

You have difficulty in asking for anything and in receiving from others.

You believe that you are loved based on what you give.

Your beliefs

You need to constantly develop new skills, learn new things, and improve at what you already know.

You have to develop yourself physically, emotionally, intellectually and/or spiritually. You need to be constantly growing.

Character and the way you behave

There is always a new challenge and something new to learn. You are not dependent on others in order to find joy in learning. You are self-sufficient and active in your pursuits. You’re not attached to material possessions. It’s not about what you have; it’s about what you know and what you’re able to do.

You focus on learning, studying, developing your skills and being the best you could possibly be.

You conserve your energy and focus away from feelings in order to learn everything there is to be learned.

You’re self-contained and you are careful to set limits to protect your time and privacy.

If your need to grow is tied to developing physically, you will do whatever is necessary to stay healthy and fit.

Some of your strengths are:

  • You’re respectful of others.
  • You’re thoughtful, calm and dependable.
  • You like to think that you’re a model of self-improvement for others.

Your communication style is:

Because I like to focus on content and facts, people might see you as distant. Words that I use frequently are: I, you, my self, know, learn, grow, develop, understand, analyze, accomplish, goals.

Things you can improve on: 

You will do anything to avoid feeling inadequate or drained. You avoid demands and intrusions on the privacy that allows you to focus on my own personal growth.

You get stressed out when you feel tired or dependent on others.

Intrusions on your privacy are stressful to you.

You become defensive when there are intrusions or limitations on what you want to do. You can become angry when people interfere with your need for privacy.

You’re careful when expressing emotions but you can have outbursts of temper when you feel intruded upon.

Things to keep in mind

You can be seen as reserved and unwilling to share. You can become detached and overly private. You tend to undervalue relationships.

Don’t forget that connecting and giving to others can be more fulfilling than acquiring new knowledge and skills. There can be more pleasure in sharing than in accumulating.

Tips to have balance in your life and growth

To have balance in your life you need to be able to pursue my growth while enjoying relationships and connect with other people. You need to be able to experience joy and pleasure in many ways, not just by learning.

The way to achieve this balance is by focusing more on others, rather than on your own growth and development.

You need to experience pleasure in giving, to be less reserved and give priority to love and relationships. You need to take better care of those you love.

You need to realize that your worthiness is not related to your own constant improvement. The importance that you give to privacy interferes with this balance. You need to recognize that sometimes you can appear self-centered.

Your beliefs

Life is incomplete without the sense that one is making a contribution to others or to a cause.

You have to go beyond your own needs and give to others. You want to give back and to leave a mark on the world.

Character and the way you behave

By focusing on something beyond myself, most of your problems and sources of pain become less significant.

You get certainty because you know that there is always a way to contribute. You have variety because there are many different ways of making a contribution.

You have significance because you know you are helping others. The spiritual bond that develops by helping others gives you a sense of connection. You grow and develop by helping others.

Your focus is on the world, a cause, how to help others, how to contribute.

You are energetic and focused outwardly to the point that you can exhaust yourself.

You would like to stay healthy, but your need to contribute may drive you to neglect yourself and your health.

Some of your strengths are:

  •  You are brave, persistent, generous and assertive

Your communication style is:

You’re energetic and firm but can be seen as controlling and disregarding of others’ opinions.

Words that you use frequently are: ideals, justice, the cause, fairness, compassion, and giving.

Things you can improve on: 

You avoid being weak, dependent and powerless. You don’t want to lose the respect of the people you care about.

You can over exert yourself and suffer from fatigue. Injustice stresses you. It’s difficult for you to restrain yourself from being confrontational in the face of unfairness or injustice.

You become defensive with people who try to control you and with people that are deceitful. You’re defensive when people are indifferent to important causes and ideals.

You’re enthusiastic and outgoing but you can become angry and confrontational.

Things to keep in mind

You lose sight of the fact that charity begins at home. You care for so many people or for such an important cause that you sometimes neglect taking care of yourself and your loved ones.

If you don’t take this into consideration is possible that your physical, emotional or spiritual health may suffer. And you’ll find that sometimes you neglect your personal relationships and people can become resentful of the time and energy you put into a cause.

Tips to have balance in your life and growth

Your Goal My goal is to find a balance between taking care of myself, my loved ones, and my need to contribute to the larger good. What I Need To Do I need to notice that I can come across as too intense. I need to take care of myself. I need to take care of my relationships. What Interferes With Your Goal Contribution satisfies all my needs at such a high level that I often ignore my own needs and neglect my self and others. My lifestyle can lead to exhaustion. My need to always be strong and deny my vulnerability interferes with my goal. How Others Can Support You in Your Goal Others can encourage you to take care of my self and to express my vulnerabilities. They can stand their ground in expressing what they need from you in terms of attention and energy.  

If you arrived at this page without taking the test, I invite you to do so, it will help you to clarify your current situation and understand yourself better.

Take the test

If you want to know more about Human Needs Psychology please read this post.



This interpretation and the test is the work of Cloé Madanes and Core 101 Coach Training Material

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