
Step out of survival mode and start feeling confident and secure in yourself.

Unlock the power within to reduce trauma and chronic stress symptoms by healing your nervous system. Embark on a transformative journey to make profound changes in your life by healing from the core. Ready to discover the path to a more resilient and vibrant you?

Uncover your childhood trauma now
Angie Ramos - Life Coaching

Hi, I’m Angie!

I’m a Clinical Hypnotist, Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner, and Somatic Experiencing Trainee.

I understand what it feels like to be alone, going in circles, trying to figure things out on your own. It can be overwhelming not to have a single clue about how to heal and start feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally well. I get it.

Through the healing of your nervous system, you can reduce trauma and chronic stress symptoms like anxiety, depression, and pain to regain confidence and self-assurance.

Book your first session and start feeling better from day one. Let’s embark on this journey back to your authentic self together.

How can I help?

Transformation Challenge

Transformation Challenge

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Angie's Books

My books

Start with a little reading, get inspired and discover how to achieve what you want.

Work with me

Self-esteem workshop

Work with me and claim your power to develop indestructible confidence. Get started with this free workshop.

You have the power to direct your life and transform it by connecting with your emotions and changing your energy. 

We live in a society where we are taught from a young age to hide our emotions, not to feel and pretend to be well as soon as possible regardless of the fact that the consequence may be the exact opposite of freeing ourselves from them.

I would like to break this myth and share with you how emotions can be a tool that allows you to make a change of energy that leads you to fulfillment, happiness, love and abundance.

Angie Meditando - Angie Ramos Hypnosis and Emotional Healing

There’s nothing wrong with you

Heal from the inside and start living

Healing your nervous system is essential to break free from survival mode and alleviate the physical and emotional symptoms that have accumulated over time.

There’s a widespread lack of understanding about the long-term impact of emotional trauma on our adult lives. Whether you believe it or not, your childhood lays the foundation for your self-esteem, self-image, and how you relate to others.

A nervous system that lacked emotional support or experienced adverse childhood events needs to “regulate” through adaptations and defense mechanisms to meet the unmet needs. This isn’t about something being wrong with you; it’s your nervous system and brain helping you survive.

Heart - Angie Ramos

I invite you to start healing your nervous system and learn to regulate and release trapped emotions in your body that are currently hindering you from being yourself, enjoying healthy relationships, and living fully.

Subscribe to my FREE course to begin the journey of healing your nervous system.

Read my blog

Unlocking Emotional Freedom: An In-Depth Guide to Havening Techniques

In the realm of emotional healing and trauma recovery, Havening Techniques have emerged as a groundbreaking approach. Developed by Dr. Ronald Ruden, Havening Techniques are a form of psychosensory therapy designed to help individuals process and release traumatic...

Unveiling Adverse Childhood Experiences: Understanding Their Impact

I have talked about Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs many times because it is essential to understand their impact on our physical and mental health. Knowing this helps us answer people who ask for scientific evidence that our childhood affects our adult life....

How to Know If You Have Unresolved Trauma – 12 Signs You May Be Carrying Emotional Wounds

Most of us would not use the word trauma when telling our story, perhaps today is more common, but for so many people is not that easy to recognize the impact of their own experiences and emotions. It is very common to associate trauma with natural disasters, illness,...

10 Signs You May Be a Highly Sensitive Person – Are You More Sensitive Than Most?

Today, I would like to talk about a topic that is very significant to me - the discovery of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). This realization had a profound effect on how I view myself and the world around me. Additionally, it helped me change the way I raised...

Everything starts with you

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